Monday 9 March 2015

Davide's Amazing Vegan peanut butter cookie

Davide's Amazing Vegan peanut butter cookie

I have a wonderful Italian friend. He is vegan/veggy and for Christmas we got this amazingly cute Jar with homemade cookies in it… I am not joking but Lukas eat the whole jar in a day (or maybe less)… So I asked for the recipe :P Made it twice, once it was awesome, the Lukas-hoover cleared it all J second time… well I thought it was too soft at first so I wanted to make crunchy but instead it became super dry… A mouth full of saw dust… Yeyyy L So keep in moisty, my advice :D! It’s one of those softy cookie recipes Enjoy it guys and hip-hip Hurray to Davide! J

For app 20-25 cookies
•   6+ tsp (tablespoon) Apple mousse (apple pulp/mash)
•   100g Stevia or any sugar you feel like using
•   100-130g Coconut Fat or any veggy oil
•   100g+ Peanut butter (if u can use ecological taste better and no added sugar)
•   2 tsp Baking powder
•   500g flour (I usually mix all kind what I have home: corn, wholegrain, etc etc)
•   100-150g dark chocolate
•   50g+ Mixed Nuts or dried fruits
•   Baking paper or alu foil
•   Vanilla (optional)

Preparation to the Magic
Apple mouse: Peel 1-2 big peples J take the core out and either use a blender or greater to make it into a mash J takes around 5-8 min
Coconut fat:    Melt it before
Chocolate:      Break it into chips

The Magic

1.  Mix the fat sugar and apple mousse, beat it well J
2.  Add the flour and baking powder
3. Pre-heat the oven to 200 C.
4. Mix it with your hand, you will get a nice oily dough, not too soft
6. Bake it for 10min, than check. Bake for app. another 5-10min (depends on the oven)

30- 40 min (15-20 min preparation, app. 10-15 min baking)

1.     How do you know it’s done? Wait until it becomes slightly brown not too dark! If you have doubts taste a small piece, keep it softy if it gets too hard it dries out!! J

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